Our Ethos and Values
Ethos and Values
The values of Guru Nanak Sikh Multi Academy Trust are encapsulated by the S.H.A.R.E acronym. These values are at the heart of everything we do as a school and they describe the qualities our pupils and staff value most.
We seek to provide a happy and outward-looking school, within which all the pupils work hard to realise their full potential, intellectually, morally, physically, personally, and socially and in which the Sikh ethos is fostered.
Our Aims
- To provide high quality education that is broad, balanced and relevant to the needs of pupils within a modern society.
- To enable all pupils to achieve their potential through the highest standards of teaching and learning.
- To develop each pupil’s self-esteem, confidence and independence with consideration for others and the concept of service to others.
- To strengthen bonds between home, community and school, preparing pupils for their entry into the wider community.
- To be committed to encouraging every member of our community to invest in life-long learning and personal development.